Legal Information on Data Protection (Data Protection Declaration)
You are permitted to visit the web pages of the IHP Solutions GmbH without informing us of who you are. We are only informed of the name of your Internet Service Provider, the web page from which you visit us, and the web pages that you visit on our site. This information is evaluated for statistical purposes. As an individual user you will remain anonymous. Personal data is not recorded on our Internet pages, which merely serve the purpose of providing customer information. As no personal data is recorded on our pages for the provision of information, no such data can be used or passed on to third parties.
In order to provide you with the best information possible you will find links on our pages that refer to the pages of third parties. Insofar as such links are not self-evident, we expressly point out that this is an external link. The IHP Solutions GmbH does not have any influence whatsoever on the content or design of these third-party pages. For this reason the guarantees provided by this data protection declaration do not apply to such pages.